Hygiene Fire Protection District Board of Directors
An elected Board of Directors provides governance by representing the tax payers of the Hygiene Fire Protection District.
Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Hygiene Fire Station at 7523 Hygiene Road.
The public is invited and welcome to any of our board meetings
Please contact us if you have any questions
Hygiene Fire Protection District
Attn: Board of Directors
PO Box 83
Hygiene, CO. 80533
OUR GOAL: to have the fastest response times with the highest number of well-trained personnel, using the best and most appropriate equipment.
The Board is made up of five volunteer Directors who live in the District. They are elected by District voters (or appointed mid-term to fill the seat of a departing Director, then voted on at the next election.) The Directors are limited to two consecutive three-year elected terms, plus any mid-term appointment time, if applicable. The Directors’ terms are staggered to provide continuity, so there will be only a moderate turnover per election.
Originally, the Department only fought fires, and Boulder County was responsible for responding to medical emergencies (and still is). Now, because 75% of Hygiene’s calls are medical, and because Boulder County’s contracted ambulances have to cover a wide territory, there has been a concerted effort towards faster response times and better medical training within the Department.
The Board strives to spend voter-approved funds in a manner which will increase service to taxpayers, such as improving the quality of training and of emergency response equipment and reducing the time from call to trained staff on the scene.
To this end, Hygiene Fire Protection District financial statements and considerations and decisions are posted on this website.
Board Meeting Minutes are available HERE.
Financials are available HERE.
Other Notices:
Transparency Notices