Donation Information
Gifts to the Fire Department have always been tax deductible since the HFPD is a non-profit governmental agency. A dedicated 501(c)(3) non-profit was established in 2019 to make donating easier.
The Friends of Hygiene Fire Protection District Foundation will accept cash, stocks, or bonds. Or considering naming Hygiene Fire in your estate planning. Please contact one of the Board members for additional details. Donation of services, materials or land for a training facility are other ways which could have a big impact on our community fire department.
Donations are used to provide equipment or other resources to benefit the Hygiene Department and Firefighters. All funds stay in our community. These funds enable purchases outside the normal annual operating budget. Donations through PayPal are gladly accepted and please call us at 303-776-2950 or contact Interim Fire Chief Alex Frank ( or the Friends of Hygiene Fire Board President Rich Hanke ( with any questions. The below button will allow you to select any donation amount.
Thank you!